After Morgana's second overthrowal of Camelot and Arthur had taken back the throne, Gaius watched on with Merlin and the rest of Camelot as Gwen married Arthur and was crowned Queen while he proudly chanted 'Long Live the Queen!' WebIt seemed but a mere second when Merlin opened his eyes. Court Physician He frequently tried to encourage him in his abilities while, at the same time, advising him to look at the bigger picture such as with the plague in Camelot where Gaius tried to make Merlin see that curing one person can have consequences; subsequently Merlin cured Gwens father, resulting in her being accused of witchcraft. Gaius used his magic again to save Merlin after Morgana put the young warlock in an enchanted coma. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Kilgharrah cared little for Gaius, stating to Merlin that he has no place in his destiny and the "old mans" time is over anyway, when Gaius went to the Isle of the Blessed to sacrifice himself for Merlin and Hunith. Gaius is Merlins enigmatic father-substitute on the BBC show Merlin. Aredian betrayed him and intended to have Merlin and Morgana executed as well. Suetonius records that Caligulas death resembled that of Julius Caesar. Status: Meanwhile, Arthurs uncle Agravaine took charge of the kingdom in Arthurs absence and had the city gates closed to prevent food running out. How Efficient Is The Precision Air Regulator. The physician finds signs of sorcery where Morgana was seen outside Camelot. The young warlock is also distrustful of Hilda there something off about the old woman. Each time the two fell out, however, they always reconciled and Gaius was always present to help Merlin when he needed it, such as when he was attacked by Morgause and Gaius defended him (The Coming of Arthur: Part Two). Arthur reaffirms her love for her and reminds her of the time he asked her to marry him.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'readersfact_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',185,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-readersfact_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Kara was a druid girl who was Mordreds love interest in the season five episode Attracting Darkness. He told Merlin he did the right thing by poisoning her, and that Morgana had chosen to use her gifts for evil, despite the fact that at this point she had been nothing more than an unknowing vessel for Morgauses scheming after she had agreed to help bringing about Uther's downfall. This course of action could land the couple straight into Morgana's waiting arms. Gwaine then demanded that Morgana give them food, particularly for the aged and ailing Gaius. Literally all of Gaius' actions were opposite to what they were in the other seasons. He has saved Uthers life many times through his skills as a physician. Later, locked in the dungeons, Gaius immediately saw that Elyan had been tortured to the limit of human endurance by a Nathair serpent. Gaius counters that there are many possible futures and had Mordred wanted to harm the king he could have done so already. Merlin and Arthurs friends, Elyan and Gwaine took Gaius into the safety of the forest while Merlin and Arthur went to find Uther, Guinevere and any other survivors of the assault. WebGaius is constantly haunted by the decisions he made during the purge, the ghosts of the people he could have saved but didnt, even losing a girlfriend for it. He also told him that he wasn't the only one who was wrongly accused of using magic and that not all had been as lucky as him, hiding the fact that Merlin and Morgana were indeed sorcerers, this having been accused of it correctly. Enemies: It was just a normal day in the kingdom of Camelot when it happened. The only successful time Gaius used magic in Season 1 was when he created an antidote for Merlin when he got poisoned by Nimueh. It was just a normal day in the kingdom of Camelot when it happened. When the spirit of Cornelius Sigan possesses a boy named Cedric and tries to take control of Camelot, Gaius tells Merlin that only the great dragon, being the only one living old enough to know how to defeat Sigan, can help them. Gaius warns his ward that the old ways are powerful where the Disir hold court so he should tread with care. Arthur ask Gaius again if there's nothing to be done about Mordred. I hid all the mirrors in Camelot so he wouldnt know @bbcmerlin you caught his eye. Gaius identifies the spell Gwen was placed under as the Teine Diaga a horrid ritual to bend a victim to one's will. Gaius warns his Queen that she is playing a dangerous game but Guinevere asserts that much must be risked during times of war. Merlin confesses to his friend that he doesn't know what to make of Mithian's story it's as if she frightened of something. He's certainly old enough to be a graet uncle. He kept it as an example. Gaius spoke the Nimueh used her magic to allow Ygraine to conceive an heir. Gaius is very close to Merlin and serves as a father figure to him, considering him as the son he never had. WarlockHuman When Merlin returned from a patrol and spoke to Gaius of a mysterious abandoned village deep in the forest, Gaius warned him that it was in fact a Druid shrine, erected for the sake of a troubled soul to appease it after an unjust death. Gaius and Merlin. It was with Gaius, that Gwen discovers that Sefa, her maid, is in fact a traitor (Arthur's Bane). He also never tried to change Uther's mind in regard to magic but manipulated him. Uther made it his mission to destroy everything from back then, even the dragons. In retaliation, Gaius partially turned Arthur into a donkey, giving him donkey ears and a donkey voice. Gaius was the first name of Julius Caesar, as well as the first name of Caesar's uncle Marius. It seemed that Gaius actually did die but Merlin arrived and, enraged by the death of his friend and mentor, slew Nimueh. Gaius is the Court Physician of Camelot and has been for the last twenty-seven to twenty-nine years, since the birth of Arthur Pendragon. Merlin called for Gaius and left. 4 Is Merlin and Morgana dating in real life? A few of these had side effects - namely, thecures given to Gwen (for a fake illness), Morgana (for her nightmares, as the goblin had stolen her gold healing bracelet) and Uther (for a curse placed by the Goblin, causing him to go bald) included excessive flatulence. I hid all the mirrors in Camelot so he wouldnt know @bbcmerlin you caught his eye. As Wilson explains during a break from filming at the spectacular Chteau Pierrefonds, Gaius is Merlins mentor and mentor. Guinevere and Sir Leon met them, having escaped from Camelot and they were soon joined by Lancelot and Percival. Guinevere 'comforts' Gaius after Merlin has been arrested for treachery. He disliked Aredian but respected and feared his abilities as a Witchfinder and claimed he was a force to be reckoned with. At the start of the Great Purge, Uther gave Gaius a list of all people who were suspected of using magic to be killed. The old physician is amazed that both knights are still alive and suspects that dark magic is involved. I found that too. Gaius acted as a surrogate father and teacher to Merlin. At some point in the past, before he was made court physician, Gaius met the Witchfinder Aredian. When Merlin discovered Alice was in league with a Manticore, Gaius refused to believe him. After saying their goodbyes, Gaius bids farewell to Arthur and he is then passed the royal seal that he is to give to Queen Guinevere. Merlin is my only child, to the Though he was succesful Gaius was unsure if his old heart could take the strain were he forced to use such powerful magic again. He is one of the six main characters and, as official Court Physician, holds the trust and confidence of King Uther. Additionally, he has a great knowledge of sorcery and the legends associated with it, having studied and practised it for many years before the Great Purge. The Goblin Gaius had a craving for gold and was very manipulative, spreading rumours about fake illnesses so he could sell 'cures' to them. Although he acted as if nothing had changed, Gaius helped Merlin work to thwart her plots time and time again, and when he was possessed by a goblin he told her that her heart was full of darkness. Gaius reassured Merlin that he was not to blame for Uthers death and that Arthur would soon learn that Merlin is a sorcerer. Agravaine was therefore forced to help Gwaine to bring Gaius back to Camelot. When Edwin Muirden manipulated Uther into believing Gaius was no longer capable of his job, Gaius was removed from his post as court physician. Gaius, along with the rest of Camelot, was caught by surprise when Morgana and Helios invaded Camelot. Gaius quickly took a liking to the boy and promised to keep his secret about Merlin using magic (The Dragon's Call). Gaius quickly identifies the foul creature and correctly surmises that Morgana finally knows Merlin is Emrys and wanted to get get rid of the competition once and for all. Hunith feared the repercussions Merlin would face should his powers be discovered by Uther or his men. I love you far too much ever to betray you. Gaius councils Arthur to keep the horn safe. Gaius later showed the necklace to Merlin and he realised that it was Morgana. Gaius was also capable of hiding and avoiding attacks, because he was the only person, apart from Elyan, to escape capture when an immortal army invaded Camelot. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 65 episodes. Merlin finally admits that despite all warnings Arthur used the horn to contact Uther. Nimueh believed that Gaius betrayed her and his kind by his loyalty to Uther, and called him a traitor when he confronted her on the Isle of the Blessed. Alive I think he was just starting to get a bit old. Gaius is Merlins enigmatic father-substitute on the BBC show Merlin. Gaius was willing to give his life for Merlin which was shown in two episodes. WebAlthough it was a long time coming, Gwen finally discovered that Merlin had magic in The Diamond of the Day: Part 2. This came about after the Battle of Camlann when Gwen Gaius[2] is the Court Physician of Camelot and has been for the last twenty-seven to twenty-nine years, since the birth of Arthur Pendragon. Though it was almost torturous, he didn't mind it, as long He tricked the Goblin into saying he would be glad to see Merlin hang, and silently threatened to either kill or turn him in. Morgan unhappily marries Urien, with whom she has a son, Yvain. Gaius does warn that the foul tasting potion might not be entirely safe. Richard Wilson It cannot be a coincidence. However Agravaine told Morgana of Arthurs plans and she made him put a necklace she enchanted around Uthers neck and repel healing magic. Gaius is the current guardian of Merlin, who was sent to him by his younger sister, Hunith. Morgana confesses to Gaius that she has magic. Guys droopy eyelid is the result of a magical experiment gone completely wrong. Gaius warns that this might have been Morgana's plan all along to lure her brother into a trap. He ran down the steps to greet Gaius. Gaius resisted the torture initially, but eventually succumbed and identified Merlin as Emrys. WebI guess it's never shown in the show but I always assumed Merlin did go back to see Gaius at least, even if he didn't stay in Camelot- he would have at least had to convey news of This is no ordinary illness. Wilson confesses that, his wig aside, the most challenging aspect of the production has been the arcane and colourful language he finds himself having to deliver on camera. Respect for your elders and all that, but at this point in time, after everything he'd been through, Merlin shouldn't have told Gaius to either show more support or become acquaintances. Gaius tried to persuade Uther not to have Alice executed, protesting that she had not been able to control herself because of the Manticore. It was Gaius who told Merlin about his father Balinor who was the last living Dragonlord. Gwen to Gaius upon finding out Morgana was using dark magic. , () . Gaius is sensible and believes in thinking rationally about things rather than rushing to decisions. The movie ended with Merlin defeating Morgana but however behind the stage, the two are not enemies but rather lovers. Later, Gaius examined a letter found on the dead man's possession which seemingly prove he was working for King Odin. Uther trusted Gaius advice frequently in matters concerning magic (The Mark of Nimueh, The Poisoned Chalice), although at times, they failed to see eye to eye (Lancelot). Gaius was later arrested for sorcery when Aredian, a witchfinder, accused Merlin of using magic and he took the blame. It seemed that Gaius actually did die but Merlin arrived and, enraged by the death of his friend and mentor, slew Nimueh. Gaius lands Merlin in a spot of trouble when he claims that the old witch who lives near the cauldron is the only one who can reverse Morgana's magic. I am so happy we are engaged. Arthur requested that he and Gwen stay behind while they attempted to infiltrate Camelot. Gaius identifies it as the horn of Cathbhaddh a magical horn used by the high priestesses of the Old Religion to visit the land of the dead. They are brought to Gaius' chambers for treatment. You stood and watched as our friends burned in the Great Purge. Whilst preparing medical supplies with Merlin Gaius notices that his ward is distracted. And one day, I shall keep you to it. Gaius later accepted this, though, and even held the egg. WebHis chest tightened in an automatic response to the unshed tears he saw in Merlin's eyes, gleaming brightly in the moonlight. Is there a limit to safe downhill speed on a bike, Compatibility for a new cassette and chain. Gaius respected Kilgharrahs power and wisdom but they weren't friends and Gaius was probably aware that Kilgharrah was desperate for his freedom. Here he trapped Kilgharrah deep beneath the Castle. Gaius tries to console his ward as best he can and advises Merlin to help him treat the wounded as he is a excellent physician. Alator then used a form of magical psychological pressure to force Gaius into revealing the true identity of Emrys. It was on the stroke of midnight of Samhain's Eve, the very moment when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. A disfigured knight is carried into Gaius' chambers. He often provides Merlin with advice and was the one who provided him with his first magic spellbook. He appeared to have sent Gaius, who was then the court sorcerer and physician, to the Isle of the Blessed to make a request on his behalf. "Me." Gaius seemed very fond of Morgana, often calling her "my child" in a grandfatherly tone, but Gaius firmly maintained that Morgana was better off ignorant about her powers, often lying to her about the importance of her dreams and powers in hopes of protecting her from Uther's hatred of magic. But in the last season it's like the roles switched completely. It's really weird. The physician says that apart from Morgana herself only the Dochraid will know how to break the spell. Guinevere and Gaius are shocked to learn that her husband's party was ambushed she concludes that once again there is a traitor in Camelot. When Merlin accidentally released a Goblin, the Goblin possessed Gaius. When Percival is nearly killed by a flying axe Gaius tend to his wounds he finds it all too strange that an axe could just fly on its own. Despite his fondness for Morgana, after the sleeping plague he was quick to believe Morgana had allied herself with Morgause. Merlin: What, all of them? Words cannot describe how much I care for you. When Uther was mortally wounded by an assassin, Arthur begged Gaius to save him but Gaius told him that because the dagger had touched Uthers heart and that he was bleeding inside, he could not be cured and would only live for a few days. Kilgharrah to Merlin. He is one of the six main characters and, as official Court Physician, holds the trust and confidence of King Uther. The physician understands that Arthur is curious about how Sarrum managed to capture and contain Morgana but again advises caution.When Merlin doesn't return as planned Gaius ask Arthur to send out a search party to locate his ward. What is this device fitted to the chain ring called? Firstly, he was still hiding his knowledge of Arthurs destiny from the King; he wasnt sure if Arthur was prepared for the truth just yet. It was only after Edwins attempt to kill Uther, and Merlin stopping him from attempting to kill Gaius, that he was once again restored to his post. These two are really two sides of the same coin, aren't Arthur says "I love you" to Merlin in Diamond of the Day. Gaius correctly surmises that Arthur looked back before leaving the spirit world thus setting Uther free. They find a Druid prayer in Ruadan's clothes. I dont think that Gaius would live much longer as he would now feel hed However, Gaius attempted to make a deal with Aredian to prevent Merlin and Morgana from being executed along with him. Kilgharrahs views of things often clashed with Gaius, for example in the episode Aithusa; while Gaius wanted the dragon egg untouched as he said it should be Kilgharrah begged Merlin to obtain the egg. Whether Morgause previously knew of Gaius magical abilities is unknown, but she possibly did or expected him to have some magical knowledge as Morgana did not seem to comment on it when she met Gaius in Series 4 following the events. He temporarily replaces Merlin as Prince Arthur's manservant after Merlin goes missing. Merlin and Gaius discuss Morgana's rights to the throne. Gaius disobeyed the prince and arrived in Camelot in time to stop Morgause from killing Merlin, blasting her with a powerful spell and giving Merlin a chance to smash her against a pillar, wounding and perhaps indirectly being the cause of her death (The Darkest Hour). Gaius knew Agravaine for many years, but he and Merlin grew suspicious of him and Gaius thought that Agravaine was not as virtuous as he appeared. It is really nice to know that Merlin and lady Morgana are dating in real life. You have taught me so much. Though Arthur was unhappy at treating Gaius in this way, he sensed that Gaius was hiding something. He is responsible for the health of the royal family, including that of the Lady Morgana, whom he suspects of having magic. The two usually get along very well, though have been known to disagree over certain matters, one of them being Gaius old flame, Alice, who returned to Camelot out of the blue and whom Merlin did not trust. Because of Merlin's interference Kara and Mordred are apprehended and Camelot's dark destiny seems unavoidable. Biographical Information Gaius witnessed such a ceremony at the great stones of Nemeton as a young man. Many years before the series began, Gaius helped Balinor escape from Camelot despite the fact that if he'd been discovered helping the Dragonlord he would have been executed. Uther still pursued the Dragonlord, so Gaius helped Balinor to escape execution and hid him with his friend Hunith. Gaius provides Merlin with a aging potion so he can adopt his Dragoon guise and escape the dungeons. Gaius had a very broad theoretical knowledge of magic but when he used magic in Season 1, he initially forgot the words (The Poisoned Chalice) or mispronounced the words (A Remedy to Cure All Ills). He helped Hunith by hiding her lover, the Dragonlord Balinor from the wrath of Uther during the Great Purge. After Arthur realizes Elyan is possessed when he tries to kill him again, Gaius tells him the spirit won't rest in peace until the crime is atoned for. However, Gaius often manipulated Uther and betrayed him by pretending to support his war on magic in order to keep himself as well as Merlin safe and to work in the background against Uther's decisions. Merlin, now under free will, dressed up as Dragoon and returned to Morganas hovel where he successfully burned the rest of the Fomorroh. Both men are worried however about Morgana's ever growing powers, Gaius hopes that the day the high priestess' magic will rival Merlin's never comes. Gaius met Morgause again in the Series 3 finale where he used a spell to hurl her across the room as she was about to kill Merlin. It could be another of Morgana's traps. Gaius and Merlin are startled when the alarm bell sounds all of a sudden. In killing Nimueh, Merlin restored balance to the world, mastering the power of life and death and reviving Gaius. He was seen saving as many lives as he could during the Great Dragons assault on Camelot and later comforted Merlin about Balinors death telling Merlin, "you've still got me.". You have people who care about you here in Camelot. Gaius also possesses a dry sense of humour and is one of the few people in Camelot who was brave enough to stand up to Uther Pendragon (The Witchfinder). Gaius, Gaius!. So now I can start the story :) hope you like it! Gaius showed Uther an eggshell Merlin had found underground. The only thing about doing magic is that you have to speak a lot of old English. A new pool is created for each race. Before the Great Purge started and due to an unknown reason, Morgause, having inherited her mother Viviennes magical powers, was smuggled out of Camelot by Gaius after she was born and being brought to the high priestesses of the Old Religion. The Dragon saved Morganas life, although it is unknown what motives led to this. Guinevere is present when Gaius performs the autopsy on the druid's body. You are nothing but a traitor. Morgana after she became evil. He went from this extremely intelligent old man who notices anything out of the ordinary to one who ignores the majority of suspicious acts and activities. Gaius was even able to successfully attack Morgause, who was an extremely powerful sorceress, in order to protect Merlin, hitting her with a spell which sent her flying and stunning her long enough for Merlin to seriously injure her, by throwing her into a pillar (Although the fact that he caught her off guard while she was focused on Merlin may have contributed to his victory). Merlin returns swiftly though with some torn papers that Gaius is sure are written in the Catha language, as in Alator of the Catha their enemy turned ally. He himself decided to stop practising magic and to remain in Camelot as the court physician. Additionally, he has a great knowledge of sorcery and the legends associated with it, having studied and practised it for many years before the Great Purge. The use of this particular magical mutilation on a Camelot knight can only mean one thing, Morgana has declared war. When necessary, Gaius did not hesitate to lie or bend the truth to Arthur, in order to protect either him or Merlin and maintain his position on the crown. Richard Wilson burst a blood vessel in his left eye as is visible in various scenes throughout this episode. Aithusa has been shown to have a genuine bond with Morgana, who treated the Dragon as a pet and developed affection towards Aithusa after the young Dragon saved her. Fortunately, Merlin was able to uncover Aredians treachery and Gaius was freed, giving Uther some very harsh words on his views of magic afterwards. Morgana admitted to Aredian that her dreams got worse when Gaius started treating them, though she insisted that this was just a coincidence. It attaches the babys abdomen (where its belly button will Wilson admits that, aside from the wig, the biggest problem with the production was the mysterious and colorful language he had to convey to the camera. Despite this Gaius remained in love with Alice. He is one of the six main characters and, as official Court Physician, holds the trust and The physician states that it's a victory prayer and that even though the druids were once peaceful the great purge changed that. Despite his fondness for Morgana, whom he suspects of having magic thing about doing magic that!, Hunith eye as is visible in various scenes throughout this episode to stop practising magic to! 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